wesco the naughty dog

the life and times of a fun-loving, adventure-seeking, nap-taking, naughty, naughty dog

Thursday, January 19, 2006

the mooch

my nickname is mooch because i'm constantly mooching belly rubs, walks, treats, attention and especially love off of anyone who will give it to me! at least that's what they say, but i think they would do all of those things anyway. i need lots of love and attention in order to be happy and good. you see, i'm very cute and lovable and always ready to receive whatever you're going to give to me. belly rub, please!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

i'm a cross-dresser

no mocking now. i usually don't go in for this kind of silliness, but it was forced upon me. literally. and what was i supposed to do!?

these people feed me and walk me and play with me. i have to indulge them every now and then, right?

besides, it made me feel bee-utiful.

but don't get too close...i sting!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

hi, i'm wesco

and i'd like to tell you all about my adventures! it's pretty exciting being a dog and all...and well, there are so many good stories to tell...it's hard to know where to start.

but i'll do my best.